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Invest in Tomorrow’s Most Dynamic Tech Companies

About Us

Symvan Capital is an award-winning EIS & SEIS technology venture capital fund manager. We invest in companies seeking to have a material impact in their industry with the potential to deliver exceptional investment returns within a realistic time frame.

‘Symvan’ is a Greek word implying a happening or an event.

Greek n. happening, event, occurrence.

Embracing Risk Mitigation

What do we want in founders?

At Symvan we look for authentic founders. Those who have experienced a problem, thought about it, and then solved it.

Shareholder Involvement

There are no rules other than to encourage, challenge, and unleash the entrepreneur


Advantages of EIS and SEIS

  • Up to 30% income tax relief benefit under EIS, reducing net cost of investment up to 30p per £1 invested

  • Up to 50% income tax relief benefit under SEIS, reducing net cost of investment up to 50p per £1 invested

  • Unlimited CGT deferral relief under EIS and up to 50%CGT write-off benefit under SEIS

  • 100% inheritance tax relief after 2 years

  • 100% CGT free gains - no further tax payable upon disposal if shares held for 3 years

  • Loss relief can apply to failed companies

The Opportunity for Investors

Invest in SEIS or EIS qualifying tech companies:

  • Minimum Subscription: £20,000 for EIS Fund & £10,000 for SEIS Fund 

  • Timeline: Quarterly EIS Fund Deployment (Evergreen)

  • Fees: 20% performance fee at exit, zero initial and ongoing fees

  • Allocation: 100% of the subscription is invested in portfolio companies

Symvan Capital

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If there's anything you would like to ask us, or to find out more, get in touch using one of the methods below

+44 (0)20 3011 5095  |  |  19-21 Christopher Street, London EC2A 2BS

Request Information Memorandum & Application.

If you are a SEIS/EIS qualifying technology business looking for investment, please complete the online form below.

Symvan Capital Limited is a limited liability company, registered in England and Wales. Company No. 08772369.
Registered Office: 6th Floor, 2 London Wall Place, London EC2Y 5AU.

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