
Sep 18, 2019
Exit Provides Symvan Capital Investors With a Window Onto the Blockchain Revolution
Sweetbridge Inc., an American company at the forefront of the blockchain economy acquires B.heard. B.heard acquisition by Sweetbridge Inc...

Oct 9, 2017
Tech's fight for the upper hand on open data
There was an interesting FT article today entitled “Tech’s fight for the upper hand on open data”. Rana Foroohar’s article reminds me of...

Aug 7, 2017
New data protection laws will accelerate the shift to people power is part of a thriving culture of innovation in Britain that is seizing the opportunity to go beyond policy and to build the...

Mar 13, 2017
B.heard unveil first national 'billboard conversation'
B.heard, an investee of Symvan Capital's SEIS and EIS funds, today premieres the first-ever ‘billboard conversation’ campaign,...

Jan 25, 2017
B.heard champions personal data empowerment as new HAT provider
The HAT Foundation announced today that B.heard, the consumer champion platform that collects and actions public opinion, will become the...

Nov 4, 2015
B.heard - disrupting the price comparison market
We are pleased to announce that, having received funding earlier this year, B.heard launches today. B.heard is the world’s first value...